SpriteStack Manual
This manual is in the making. Visit from time to time to see new chapters :)
Use these to look around:
RMB Rotate camera MMB Move view CTRL + WHEEL Zoom C Center on selected object or (0, 0) if no object is selected V Center and look at surface under cursor H Hide element from editing ALT+H Show all hidden elements It doesn't remove element from rendering - use it to select objects that are covered by other objects
Transforms and properties:
R Rotate T Translate S Scale X Y Z Pick axis
ALT + R Reset rotation ALT + T Reset translation ALT + S Reset scale
P Set parent F Set frame (spritesheets)
A D Prev|Next keyframe SPACE Play|Stop animation Q E Edit Start|End value of a keyframe
Palette editor:
When mouse is over palette editor: W S A D Select color Q E Decrease|increase material index for selected color